COnSultant Networking
In the past two+ years, the Consulting Careers Initiative (CCI) has held speed networking events hosted at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. These events provided Munk students with the opportunity to network with top tier Management Consulting and Public Relations firms. These events also gave the firms access to the Munk School talent pool.
In the past, our networking events have brought together 60 students from Munk and nearly 30 Management Consulting and Public Relations firms. Check out the list of firms who participated in previous Speed Networking events, and keep your eyes open for announcements throughout the year. You are always welcome to contact our Executive Team if you have questions.
Firms that have previously attended the Consulting Networking events include:
Capital Hill Group, Counsel Public Affairs, Crestview Strategy Deloitte, Edelman, EY, Fleishman Hillard Highroad, Hill + Knowlton Strategies, KPMG, MacPhie, McKinsey & Company, Navigator Ltd., NATIONAL Public Relations, and Strategy Corp.
In Winter 2025, we will be pleased to invite you to the Consulting Careers Initiative (CCI)’s Speed Networking Night - designed for Toronto's consultants and MGA/MPP students from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy (date TBA).
This event offers a unique opportunity to engage with professionals from top consulting firms like BCG, Beam Group, Capital Hill Group, Coactuate, Crestview Strategy, Deloitte, Invictus, KPMG, and Santis Health in a dynamic, small-group setting. The limited spots are reserved on a first-come-first serve basis, so so sign up when the link is provided here later in the year!
*Registration is open for MPP & MGA students ONLY.